Discrete Mathematics
This is a preserved file from cs2102 Fall 2016. An updated version may exist at https://uvacs2102.github.io/

Class 8: Relations


Problem Set 3 is due Friday at 6:29pm.

Challenge Problem Opportunity. Apparently, people were not entirely convinced by my proof sketch in class that the egg came before the chicken. So, we’ll make it a challenge problem to write the best proof that answers the question of “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” (That is, you can either prove the egg came first, or prove the chicken came first). A convincing proof would need to include clear definitions of “chicken” and “egg”, and use inference rules, as well as axioms based on biological assumptions (clearly stated), to make an irrefutable argument supporting your position.

Dijkstra’s explanation of what the natural numbers should start with 0


A function is a mathematical datatype that associates elements from one set, called the domain, with elements from another set, called a codomain.

$$ f: \textrm{\em domain} \rightarrow \textrm{\em codomain} $$

If the function is total, every element of the domain has one associated codomain element; if the function is partial, there may be elements of the domain that do not have an associated codomain element.

Defining a function. To define a function, we need to describe how elements in the domain are associated with elements in the codomain.

Set Products. A Cartesian product of sets $S_1, S_2, \cdots, S_n$ is a set consisting of all possible sequences of $n$ elements where the $i$\textsuperscript{th} element is chosen from $S_i$.

$$ S_1 \times S_2 \times \cdots \times S_n = { (s_1, s_2, \cdots, s_n) | s_i \in S_i } $$

How many elements are in $A \times B$?


What are the (sensible) domains and codomains of each function below:

$$ f(n) ::= |n| \qquad \qquad f(x) ::= x^2 \qquad\qquad f(n) ::= n + 1 \qquad\qquad f(a, b) ::= a / b $$

$$ f(x) ::= \sqrt{x} \qquad \qquad \qquad f(S) ::= \textrm{minimum}_{<}(S) $$


For which of them is the function total?

How are functions in your favorite programming language like and unlike mathematical functions?



A binary relation, $R$, consists of a domain set, $A$, and a codomain set, $B$, and a subset of $A \times B$ called the graph of $R$.

For each statement below, give the name and at least one example.

  • A binary relation where no element of $A$ has more than one outgoing edge:


  • A binary relation where every element of $A$ has exactly one outgoing edge:


  • A binary relation where every element of $B$ has exactly one incoming edge:


  • A binary relation where every element of $A$ has exactly one outgoing edge and every element of $B$ has exactly one incoming edge:


If there exists a bijective relation between $S$ and $T$ defined by the graph $G$ which of these must be true:

a. there exists some injective relation between $S$ and $T$. b. there exists some bijective relation between $T$ and $S$. c. there exists a total function, $f: S \rightarrow T$. d. $S - T = \emptyset$. e. the number of elements of $S$ is equal to the number of elements of $T$. f. $G - (S \times T) = \emptyset$. g. $(S \times T) - G = \emptyset$. h. $(S \times T) - G \neq \emptyset$.