Problem Set Omega Highlights
Here are some interesting submissions for Problem Set Omega (roughly grouped by topic). Thanks for all the entertaining and illuminating submissions!
Logical Operators
Helen Simecek
Carlos Goes Birdwatching (A story about binary operations for middle school students)
Derrick Chien Huang, Andrea Chang, Jennifer Qian
Binary Relation Properties (comics)
Lalita Mallapragada
Logic Game [JAR]
Temuulen Khurelbaatar
Yiming Wang, Mike Wang, Yingqing Huang
Set Theory
Sets and Superheroes
Matt Huo, Joe Karaki
Angry Birds: Set Relations
Brian Li
To Infinite Sets and Beyond!
Justin Barry, Monique Mezher, Robert Klemchek, Ayman Mobin
Call of Duty and Countable Infinities
Aarron Braxton, Shreyas Hirway
Induction Rap
Milan Bharadwaj
Recursive Nesting Dolls
Casey Bowler
Six Degress of Separation [PPTX]
Fan Feng
Tracy’s Christmas Question [PDF]
Ryann Consalo, Megan Greatorex
Basketball Induction
Josh Davis
Muhammad Sareini
State Machines
Baseball Game State Machine
Mason Au, Bobby Stephens, and Kevin Warshaw
A Beginner’s Manual to Dust Cultivation
Jessica Emmons
Echo Chamber: The Greatest Model of 2016 Voter Behavior
Neel Kaushal and Arpit Rupakhetee
Gumball State Machine
Priya Nakhre
Modeling Mario Party with State Machines
Benjamin Fuhrman
State Machines and Breakdancing
Kenny Le
Java Knights (code in Word document)
Connor Albrecht, William Brayshaw, Matthew Anderson
Halted (Lyrics for Pieces by Sum 41)
Rick Yanhao Zhao
Recursive Datatypes
Recursive Data Types for Introductory CS Students
Matthew Keitelman
Recursive Music
Jiahong Chen, WenBin Qi
Bifurcating Trees
Youbeen Shim, James Mekavibul
Stable Matching
The Bachelor (Stable Matching Dating Show!)
Samantha Chu, Nicole Pope, Nancy Lee
5 Disney Princesses (to the tune of “5 Little Monkeys”)
Nirali Shah
Pokemon: I Choose You (A Beginner’s Guide to the Gale-Shapely Algorithm) [Slideshow]
Ying Lai, Chris Fassoth, Barry Chin, Rachel Yi
Stable Marriage: Harry Potter Edition (Game)
Utkarsha Bhave, Anne Marie Lee, Jessica Virden
Gingerbread Matching
Baylor Towne
Stable matching as told by six gingerbread gnomes looking for love. Their preference lists are ranked from most preferred to least preferred. Nicholas proposes to the first on his list - Noelle. She accepts since she is not paired with anyone. Then Yule also proposes to Noelle who is currently matched with Nicholas. Since Noelle much prefers Yule above Nicholas, she happily accepts Yule’s proposal and Nicholas is kicked out of the pairing. Kris and Ginger are each other’s top choices, so Ginger accepts Kris’s proposal. Now Nicholas can propose to his second choice, Holly, who, although she prefers Yule, will settle with Nicholas since Yule is already happily paired with Noelle. The stable matching is listed at the bottom of the picture, and it is stable because there is no pair in which one member prefers someone else who also prefers them. With these specific preference lists, this is the only stable matching that could occur.
Stable Matchmakers (Comic) [PDF]
Lauren Phan, Grace Harders
Gale-Shapley’s Hotline Bling [PDF]
Karan Dhillon, Bennett Clougherty, Jessica Ewing
Anna Wu, Lan Jiang
A Millennial’s Guide To Discreet Stable Matching (as explained with Tinder)
Fazlah Rahaman
Harry Potter house matching [Code]
Mengjia Luo, Allison Chow
Gale-Shapley Comic
Meeka Meng
Stable Matching [Taxman Lyrics]
Sahan Pandey
Proof Methods
Santa Claus: [PPTX]
Winston Frick
Phenomenal Proof (based on Maya Angelou’s Phenomenal Woman)
Zeeshan Mir
Discrete Dubs (W’s) (Rap Song)
Nicholas Georgiou, Melony Bennis, Noah Harlow, Justin Mooney, Amelia Naegele, Emma Bono
Nancy Zhang, Peter Cybriwsky, Sohum Sontakke