Class 17: Structural Induction
Problem Set 7 is due tomorrow at 6:29pm.
Next week Friday, 4 November at 11am, Steve Huffman (BSCS 2005, co-founder and CEO of Reddit) will give a Computer Science Distinguished Alumni talk in the Rotunda. If you would like to meet with Steve (either at a lunch after the talk or a meeting with students later that afternoon), send me an email with a good reason why you should be invited (only a very limited number of spaces available).
Definition. A list is an ordered sequence of objects. A list is either the empty list ($\lambda$), or the result of $\text{prepend}(e, l)$ for some object $e$ and list $l$.
\text{\em first}(\text{prepend}(e, l)) &= e
\text{\em rest}(\text{prepend}(e, l)) &= l
\text{\em empty}(\text{prepend}(e, l)) &= \text{\bf False}
\text{\em empty}(\text{\bf null}) &= \text{\bf True}
Definition. The length of a list, $p$, is:
0 & \text{if}\ p\ \text{is \bf null}
\text{\em length}(q) + 1 & \text{otherwise}\ p = \text{\em prepend}(e, q)\ \text{for some object}\ e\ \text{and some list}\ q
def list_length(l):
if list_empty(l):
return 0
return 1 + list_length(list_rest(l))
Prove: for all lists, $p$, list_length(p)
returns the length of the list $p$.
Definition. The concatenation of two lists, $p = (p_1, p_2, \cdots, p_n)$ and $q = (q_1, q_2, \cdots, q_m)$ is $$(p_1, p_2, \cdots, p_n, q_1, q_2, \cdots, q_m).$$
Provide a constructuve definition of concatenation.
# ##
Prove. For any two lists, $p$ and $q$, $\text{length}(p + q) = \text{length}(p) + \text{length}(q)$.
# ##
Induction Summary
& {\bf Regular Induction} & {\bf Invariant Principle} & {\bf Structural Induction} \ \hline
Works on: & natural numbers & state machines & data types
To prove $P(\cdot)$ & {\em for all natural numbers} & {\em for all reachable states} & {\em for all data type objects}
Prove {\bf base case(s)} & $P(0)$ & $P(q_0)$ & $P(\text{base object(s)})$
and {\bf inductive step} & $\forall m \in \mathbb{N} \ldotp$ & $\forall (q, r) \in G \ldotp $ & $\forall s \in \text{\em Type} \ldotp$
& $P(m) \implies P(m+1)$ & $P(q) \implies P®$ & $P(s) \implies P(t)$
& & & $\quad \forall t\ \text{constructable from}\ s$ \
Challenge-Response Protocols
Verifier: picks random challenge, $y$.
Prover: proves knowledge of $x$ by revealing $f(x, y)$.
Verifer: can verify prover knows $x$ from response, but learns nothing (useful) about $x$.
How can you know the website you are sending your password to is what you think it is?