Discrete Mathematics

cs2102 Course Pledge

Honor Expectations

As a student at the University of Virginia, you are trusted to be honorable and expected to behave in ways that merit that trust. We take advantage of this trust to provide a better learning environment for everyone. In particular, students in cs2102 are expected to follow these rules throughout the course:

I will not lie, cheat or steal. If I am unsure whether something would be considered lying, cheating or stealing, I will ask before doing it.

I will carefully read and follow the collaboration policy on each assignment. I will not abuse resources in ways that would be clearly detrimental to my own learning or unfair to other students. Viewing solutions from previous cs2102 courses is not permitted, except when explicitly allowed.

Other Expectations

In addition to the honor rules, students in cs2102 are also expected to follow these behaviors:

I will do what I can to help my fellow classmates learn. Except when specifically instructed not to, when other students ask me for help, I will attempt to provide it. I will listen respectfully to other’s ideas and discuss what I think is good or bad about their answers. When I work with others, I will not give or accept answers directly, but instead will make sure everyone understands enough to be able to solve the problem themselves, and insist that others explain things to me until I fully understand.

I will ask for help. I will make a reasonable effort to do things on my own first (or with classmates when permitted), but will ask the course staff for help before getting overly frustrated. There are many ways to ask for help including the office hours and the course slack group.

I will be open minded and curious. I understand that this course may do things in ways differently from what I expect, and may sometimes buck conventions that have been followed in other courses I have taken. I will ask questions when things make me uncomfortable, but also accept that being surprised, facing uncertainty and adversity, and being challenged unreasonably are often beneficial for learning new ways of thinking.

I will value diversity and respect differences. I understand that one of the benefits of being at the University is to be part of a vibrant community that encompasses a wide range of backgrounds, ethnicities, personal and family histories, and world views. I will contribute to that community by sharing things that are unique about me with others, fighting against any implicit biases I may have or that I observe in others, and being open to and respectful of people who are different from me.

I grant the course staff permission to reproduce excerpts from my submissions for teaching purposes. My work will be attributed when it is shown in a postive way, but may be used anonymously if it is used to illustrate common pitfalls or other issues.

I will provide useful feedback. I realize that this will be attempting many new things, and that it is important that I let the course staff know what they need to improve the course. I will provide feedback either anonymously or by contacting the course staff directly. I will fill out all requested surveys honestly and thoroughly.


Sign: ___________________________________________________       Date: _____________

Print name: ____________________________________________________