Discrete Mathematics
This is a preserved file from cs2102 Fall 2016. An updated version may exist at https://uvacs2102.github.io/

cs2102: Discrete Math (Fall 2016)

Submitting Problem Set Omega (Sun, 27 Nov 2016)

The form for submitting Problem Set Omega is here:

Class 23: Universal Machines (Sat, 19 Nov 2016)


Problem Set 9 is tomorrow, Wednesday, 23 November at 6:29pm.

Problem Set Omega is now posted and due on Sunday, 4 December or Tuesday, 6 December (see problem set for details). It is not like the others, and counts as a “bonus” optional assignment.

Simple Turing Machine simulator (and XOR machine): tm.py

Dori-Mic and the Universal Machine!

Turing Machine

$$ TM = (S, T \subseteq S \times \Gamma \rightarrow S \times \Gamma \times \text{\em dir}, q0 \in S, q{Accept} \subseteq S) $$

$S$ is a finite set (the “in-the-head” processing states)
$\Gamma$ is a finite set (symbols that can be writte on the tape)
$\text{\em dir} = { \text{\bf Left}, \text{\bf Right}, \text{\bf Halt} }$ is the direction to move on the tape.

An execution of a Turing Machine, $TM = (S, T \subseteq S \times \Gamma \rightarrow S \times \Gamma \times \text{\em dir}, q0 \in S, q{Accept} \subseteq S)$, is a (possibly infinite) sequence of configurations, $(x_0, x_1, \ldots)$ where $x_i \in \text{\em Tsil} \times S \times \text{\em List}$ (elements of the lists are in the finite set of symbols, $\Gamma$), such that:

  - $x_0 = (\text{\bf null}, q_0, \text{\bf input})$
  - and all transitions follow the rules (need to be specified in detail).

Machines and Languages

A language is a (possibly infinite) set of finite strings.

$\Sigma$ = alphabet, a finite set of symbols
$L \subseteq \Sigma^{*}$

$$L_{XOR} = { x_0x_1\ldots x_n + y_0y_1\ldots y_n = z_0z_1\ldots z_n \$ | x_i \in {0, 1}, y_i \in {0, 1}, z_i = x_i \oplus y_i }$$

Turing Machine Computation

A Turing Machine, $M = (S, T \subseteq S \times \Gamma \rightarrow S \times \Gamma \times \text{\em dir}, q0 \in S, q{Accept} \subseteq S)$, accepts a string x, if there is an execution of M that starts in configuration $(\text{\bf null}, q_0, x)$, and terminates in a configuration, $(l, q_f, r)$, where $qf \in q{Accept}$.

A Turing Machine, $M = (S, T \subseteq S \times \Gamma \rightarrow S \times \Gamma \times \text{\em dir}, q0 \in S, q{Accept} \subseteq S)$, recognizes a language $L$, if for all strings $s \in L$, $M$ accepts $s$, and there is no string $t \notin L$ such that $M$ accepts $t$.

TuringMachine = namedtuple('TuringMachine', ['rules', 'q_0', 'q_accepting'])

def simulate(tm, starttape):
    tape = starttape
    headpos = 0
    currentstate = tm.q_0

    while True:
        readsym = tape[headpos]
        if (currentstate, readsym) in tm.rules:
            (nextstate, writesym, dir) = tm.rules[(currentstate, readsym)]
            tape[headpos] = writesym
            currentstate = nextstate
            return currentstate in tm.q_accepting # no rule, halt

        if dir == 'L':
            headpos = max(headpos - 1, 0)
        elif dir == 'R':
            headpos += 1
            if len(tape) <= headpos: tape.append('_') # blank
        else: # assert dir == 'Halt'
            return currentstate in tm.q_accepting
xorm = TuringMachine(
    rules = { ('S', '0'): ('R0', '-', 'R'), ('S', '1'): ('R1', '-', 'R'),
              ('S', '+'): ('C', '+', 'R'),
              ('R0', '0'): ('R0', '0', 'R'), ('R0', '1'): ('R0', '1', 'R'),
              ('R1', '0'): ('R1', '0', 'R'), ('R1', '1'): ('R1', '1', 'R'),
              ('R0', '+'): ('X0', '+', 'R'), ('R1', '+'): ('X1', '+', 'R'),
              ('X0', 'X'): ('X0', 'X', 'R'), ('X1', 'X'): ('X1', 'X', 'R'),
              ('X0', '0'): ('Y0', 'X', 'R'), ('X0', '1'): ('Y1', 'X', 'R'),
              ('X1', '0'): ('Y1', 'X', 'R'), ('X1', '1'): ('Y0', 'X', 'R'),
              ('Y0', '0'): ('Y0', '0', 'R'), ('Y0', '1'): ('Y0', '1', 'R'),
              ('Y1', '0'): ('Y1', '0', 'R'), ('Y1', '1'): ('Y1', '1', 'R'),
              ('Y0', '='): ('Z0', '=', 'R'), ('Y1', '='): ('Z1', '=', 'R'),
              ('Z0', 'X'): ('Z0', 'X', 'R'), ('Z1', 'X'): ('Z1', 'X', 'R'),
              ('Z0', '0'): ('B', 'X', 'L'),  ('Z1', '1'): ('B', 'X', 'L'),
              ('B', '0'): ('B', '0', 'L'),   ('B', '1'): ('B', '1', 'L'),
              ('B', '+'): ('B', '+', 'L'),   ('B', 'X'): ('B', 'X', 'L'),
              ('B', '='): ('B', '=', 'L'),   ('B', '-'): ('S', '-', 'R'),
              ('C', 'X'): ('C', 'X', 'R'),   ('C', '='): ('C', '=', 'R'), 
              ('C', '$'): ('Accept', '$', 'Halt') },
    q_0 = 'S', q_accepting = { 'Accept' })    

simulate(xorm, list("00+10=10$"))

Exam 2 Solutions (Sat, 19 Nov 2016)

The solutions to Exam 2 are here: Exam 2 Solutions. You should, of course, expect to see questions like these again on the final.

Class 22: On Computable Numbers (Thu, 17 Nov 2016)


Problem Set 9 is now due on Wednesday, 23 November.

Problem Set Omega is now posted and due on Sunday, 4 December or Tuesday, 6 December (see problem set for details). It is not like the others, and counts as a “bonus” optional assignment.


Fernando Gouvea, Was Cantor Surprised?. American Mathematical Monthly, March 2011.

A. M. Turing, On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem, 1936.

Cantor’s Continuum “Hypothesis”

Aleph-naught: $\aleph_0 = |\mathbb{N}|$ is the smallest infinite cardinal number.

Recall: $\omega$ is the smallest infinite ordinal. The first ordinal after $0, 1, 2, \cdots$.

$$2^{\aleph_0} = |pow(\mathbb{N})| = | [0, 1] | = | \mathbb{R} | = | {0, 1}^{\omega} | > |\mathbb{N} $$

What does it mean to say it is proven to not be possible to settle the question of whether $\aleph_1 = 2^{\aleph_0}$ with the ZFC axioms?


On Computable Numbers

The “computable” numbers may be described briefly as the real numbers whose expressions as a decimal are calculable by finite means. (Alan Turing, On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem, 1936.)

Is $\tau$ computable (by Turing’s definition)? ($\tau = \frac{\text{Circumference of circle}}{\text{radius of circle}}$)

What are the problems with using the State Machine to model computation: $$M = (S, G \subseteq S \times S, q_0 \in S)$$


What was Turing attempting to model in defining what we know call a Turing Machine?


$$ TM = (S, T \subseteq S \times \Gamma \rightarrow S \times \Gamma \times \text{\em dir}, q0 \in S, q{Accept} \subseteq S) $$

$S$ is a finite set (the “in-the-head” processing states)
$\Gamma$ is a finite set (symbols that can be writte on the tape)
$\text{\em dir} = { \text{\bf Left}, \text{\bf Right}, \text{\bf Halt} }$ is the direction to move on the tape.


What is the cardinality of the set of all Turing Machines?


Prove that there are numbers that cannot be output by any Turing Machine.


Problem Set Omega (Wed, 16 Nov 2016)

Problem Set ω is now posted and due Dec 4 or the last day of class (see the problem set for details). It is a “bonus” problem set, and not like the others.

Class 21: Infinite Infinites, Exam 2 (Tue, 15 Nov 2016)


Problem Set 9 is now due on Wednesday, 23 November.

Infinite Sets Recap

Definition. A set $C$ is countable if and only if there exists a surjective function from $\mathbb{N}$ to $C$. (That is, $\le 1$ arrow out from $\mathbb{N}$, $ge 1$ arrow in to $C$.)

Definition. A set $C$ is countably infinite if and only if there exists a bijection between $C$ and $\mathbb{N}$.

Cantor’s Theorem

For all sets, $S$, $| pow(S) | > | S |$.

What does this mean for $| \mathbb{N} |$?


What is a real number?


Show there is a bijection between $[0, 1)$ and $pow(\mathbb{N})$.

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Class 20: Elections, Review (Tue, 8 Nov 2016)


Exam 2 will be in class on Thursday, 10 November. See Class 18 notes for details.


Cabinet Battle #1, Cabinet Battle #2, Cabinet Battle #3

Michael J. Caulfield, Apportioning Representatives in the United States Congress, Mathematical Association of America, 2010.

A Mathematical Adventure through the Census, Reapportionment, and Redistricting.

2010 Apportiment Results, US Census. (Includes priority values.)

Problem Set 8 Solutions and Comments (Sat, 5 Nov 2016)

The Problem Set 8 solutions are now posted: [PDF]. Please review these to prepare for Exam 2, and let me know if you have any questions or parts you want to go over in class Tuesday.

Problem Set 7 Solutions and Comments (Fri, 4 Nov 2016)

The Problem Set 7 solutions are now posted: [PDF].

Class 19: Uncountable Sets (Thu, 3 Nov 2016)


Problem Set 8 is due Friday (4 November) at 6:29pm.

Friday, 4 November at 11am (Rotunda Dome Room): Steve Huffman (BSCS 2005, co-founder and CEO of Reddit), Computer Science Distinguished Alumni Speaker.

Exam 2 will be in class on Thursday, 10 November. See Class 18 notes for details.

Countable and Uncountable Sets

Definition. A set $S$ is countably infinite if and only if there exists a bijection between $S$ and $\mathbb{N}$.

Definition. A set $S$ is uncountable, if there exists no bijection between $S$ and $\mathbb{N}$.

The power set of $A$ ($\textrm{pow}(A)$)is the set of all subsets of $A$: $$ B \in \textrm{pow}(A) \iff B \subseteq A. $$

For all finite sets $S$, $|pow(S)| = 2^{|S|}$.

# #

For all sets $S$, $|pow(S)| > |S|$.


Prove $pow(\mathbb{N})$ is uncountable.


$\text{bitstrings} = \forall n \in \mathbb{N} . {0, 1}^n$.


Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers

$\omega$ is the smallest infinite ordinal. The first ordinal after $0, 1, 2, \cdots$.

What is the difference between an ordinal and cardinal number?


What should $2\omega$ mean?


Is $\text{InfiniteBitStrings} = {0, 1}^\omega$ countable?


Prove the number of real numbers in the interval $[0, 1]$ is uncountable.

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What set is bigger than $\mathbb{R}$?


Aleph-naught: $\aleph_0 = |\mathbb{N}|$ is the smallest infinite cardinal number.

How is $\omega$ different from $\aleph_0$?


$$2^{\aleph_0} = |pow(\mathbb{N})| = | [0, 1] | = | \mathbb{R} | = | \text{InfiniteBitStrings} | $$

What is necessary to conclude that it is not possible to settle the question of whether $\aleph_1 = 2^{\aleph_0}$ with the ZFC axioms?